Oh, hi there! Thanks for getting in touch.

I'm Masum. I graduated from the University of Dhaka with a first class degree in Applied Mathematics. I love exploring and learning about math, technology, and art.

In school, I focused a lot on math and computer programming. I'm good at using programs like MATLAB, Mathematica, and Fortran. I did a machine learning project for academic purposes with Python to detect spam messages, which was pretty cool.

I design and build websites for a living. It's like creating digital art that people can interact with. I pay close attention to detail and always try to come up with new ideas.

Besides numbers and computers, I enjoy making art. I draw portraits and digital posters that express my perception of the world. It's a way for me to tell stories and share emotions with others.

During the COVID-19 pandemic when everything slowed down, I established a public library in a rural area in Tangail District. My goal was to bring hope to people during tough times by providing a place where they could read books, borrow them, or donate some. I became well-known during that time, especially among children. Since then, the library has grown a lot. We even organized a book fair to increase peoples interest in books.

I'm part of a famous student organization in Bangladesh. I play my role as secretary of science, technology and international affairs where, as my responsibilities, I have to organize many events. I enjoy bringing people together and making things happen. It's important to me to be involved in my community.

In my free time, I love watching movies. "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" is one of my favorite movies which I’ve already watched over a hundred times. I'm also into cricket; I play as a right armed pace bowler. I also love to go skateboading. And of course, I always find time to code and explore new things.

My journey has made me learn and do things passionately. Whether it's math, technology, art, or community involvement, I'm always excited to learn and grow. I hope to inspire others to follow their passions too. -